
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/27 21:26:54
内 容 摘 要


关键词: 绑架罪 法定刑 量刑情节

February 28, 2009 and implemented through the "People's Republic of China Criminal Law Amendment (g)" will increase the 239th, "less serious, at least five to ten years in prison and fined." requirements. In response to this legislative change, as related to this article on and evaluation.The first part of the article on the kidnapping of the analysis general, from the legislative history of kidnapping to the kidnapping of the concept of elements, and finally went to the kidnapping sentence. The second part of the article for the crime of kidnapping and torture carried out on the conflict, through the comparison and analysis, pointing out that before the amendment of the lack of Sentence and defects, as well as the impact to the community. Specific evaluation of the third part of the article kidnapping Sentence modifications and kidnapping of the current theory and practice of operations put forward their views.